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Inktober 52 – Angel (and a few more things)

Alright, the semester has come to an end, all my grading is done, and I’ll have a lot more free time in the coming weeks. I may even be able to draw somewhat regularly.

In any case, yesterday, I decided to catch up a little bit with Inktober 52 (One day, I’ll manage to do it all year long).

Today’s entry is Angel:

Inktober 25 Angel

You may be surprised by the drawing, or not… I’m in the mood to keep the mystery if you’re not sure what this is (I’ve left a serious hint somewhere on the page).

Note that my first idea was to draw a “biblically accurate angel” and I feel that the design of this angel was somewhat inspired by them.

Also note that the drawing can also work for more recent Inktober 52 prompts: Skull, Mighty, and Odd.


Finally, as I drew this, my son did a few drawings too. When he asked me what I was going to do with my drawing and I told him I was going to put it online, he agreed that I put his online too. But he said that he doesn’t want his name to appear. So, if you don’t know my son’s name… Not today…

Can you guess which Pokémon these are? (some are easy)


And I guess that’s all for now.

Stay tuned for more…



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