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What if I resumed the publication of my grandpa’s old postcards? If you don’t know what I’m talking about – because it’s been that long – you can read the origins of this “project” there:

Memories from a New Century


Today another picture (photographs were regularly printed as postcards in the early 20th Century) of Marcel/Marcelin who was already featured there.



I don’t really know much about him. I just know that his name was Marcelin or rather Marcel (Marcelin was more likely a nickname), that he was my grandpa’s cousin, and that he was in the French Navy during WW1 and later.

He wrote a bunch of postcards to my grandpa. You’ll see them here at times (most of the ones coming from abroad or showing ships are his, I really need to start publishing these postcards regularly).

That’s pretty much all I know about him. Note that Marcel was also my uncle’s first name (my dad’s older brother). It could be an hommage to him? No idea.

I always found this picture a bit intriguing because he look like a very urban and rich guy in it, and everyone else in the family was a farmer. I guess he had a nice paycheck traveling the world (well, mostly the Mediterranean Sea) on his warship.

I can’t find the back of the postcard in my files. Maybe there was no text with it.

Okay, that’s all for today, but I really need to start publishing those more regularly. I have a few hundred after all. 🙂


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2 thoughts on “Marcelin”

  1. He does look very smart and he’s in front of a very fine looking building. I thnk the French navy was well paid!
    My grandfather on my dad’s side was in the British navy during the First World War, and again in the Second World War, joined by my other grandad this time! Most of mine and my husband’s great uncles and uncles were soldiers in one or other of the wars, and our fathers too. But we have very few photos and certainly no fascinating postcards like you have!

    1. These postcards are really a goldmine.
      And I wish I could transcribe the texts behind. Some are fascinating. I tried once in the past, but it’s too time consuming. Maybe one day in the distant future.

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