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Robot (Inktober 52)

Another drawing today. Expect quite a few in the coming weeks, it’s the time of the year when I decide to start drawing regularly. I usually succeed until around mid-October.

This week’s prompt is Robot and I decided to go with the classic robot toy.


A pretty difficult drawing to get right, my proportions and perspectives are all messed up, I know.

I could have given myself a headache trying to get them right (and I probably will with a future drawing), but I basically had a bit less than two hours to draw, and I was with my kids we were also drawing (a few lines are not as straight or thin as they should because there were some “table bumping” incidents).

Once again, my goal is not to draw well (in a few years, if I manage to do it regularly). My goal is to draw. Period.


Here are some steps in the drawing. I usually take pictures of these when I’m afraid I’m doing to mess the drawing up with inking, coloring, or something else.

I usually like the version that’s inked but where the pencil hasn’t been erased yet (that’s the middle one).

Sometimes, I think I should just leave my drawings like this. No eraser.

Not this time, though. This time I tried something new. I got some new markers, so I tried to ink with colors in addition to the usual black ink.

What do you think? Not of the drawing itself, I know it’s not great. What do you think of the colored inking? I think this is something I want to explore more.


Robot 4


Stay tuned for more drawings and who knows, more posts about other things too…


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