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Street Art Gallery

Street Art Gallery 1


I have been living in Melbourne for around five years now and I am still amazed every time I wander down an alley and find some of the most amazing artwork.

Melbourne City Council allows artists to paint on the walls in certain areas of the city so the artists can safely create amazing pieces that draw massive amounts of foot traffic and tourists. Melbourne is renowned for its culture, in particular coffee and art. But this post isn’t about coffee, however I just reminded myself that I want a flat white.

If you ever get a chance to visit Melbourne I recommend spending a whole day wandering around without a plan and taking in all the small intricate and large 20m murals that are scattered around the city and inner suburbs.

The paint is always fresh and there are always new artworks on these buildings. So, I want to share a small selection of artwork that I captured during lockdown. Let me know what your opinion of street art is. Do you think Melbourne City has the right idea?


Street Art Gallery 8



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